星期五, 11月 18, 2022


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曾兼任 高雄醫學大學心理學系主任 (2006年8月至2012年7月)


閩捷、櫻井正二郎(2020)動態深度效果的反轉:細節均質性與熟悉度因素影。中華心理學刊。 62 卷 4 期 459-472.

黃榮村、櫻井正二郎、汪曼穎(2019)台灣實驗認知心理學發展選論:以台大心理學系為框架。中華心理學刊, 61 卷 4 期 295-320

Spillmann, L., Lin, T.-H., Sakurai, S. & Chen, C-C.. (2017). The Historical Psychological Instruments at National Taiwan University. Chinese Journal of Psychology, Vol.59, No.4, 213-250. DOI: 10.6129/CJP.20171228

Spillmann, L., Yeh, S.-L., Chen, C.-C., Liang, K.-C., & Sakurai, S. (2017). The collection of historical instruments at National Taiwan University. Journal of the History of Psychology, 20, 251-256. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/hop0000063


櫻井正二郎 [Sakurai, S.] (2009b). 臺灣大學心理學系所有之古典心理學儀器初步調查 [Preliminary investigation of classical psychological apparatus in the Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University] 陳建中、黃詩婕編輯 [Chen, C., Huang, S. Eds] 心理系一甲子:國立臺灣大學心理學系暨研究所六十週年系慶紀念文集 [Commemorative anthology for the 60th Anniversary of the Department of Psychology of National Taiwan University] pp. 21-29. 臺北,國立臺灣大學心理學系 [Taipei, Department of Psychology of National Taiwan University]

櫻井正二郎 [Sakurai, S.] (2013a). 台北帝国大学設立 当時の台湾状況と心理学研究室紹介 [Introduces background information on Taiwan at the time of the establishment of Taihoku Imperial University and the Psychological Laboratory]. 心理学ワールド [Psychology World], 60, 2-3.

櫻井正二郎 [Sakurai, S.] (2013b). 台北帝国大学心 理学研究室の先生方とそ業績 [The faculties of the Psychology Laboratory of the Taihoku Imperial University and their studies.] 心理学ワールド [Psychology World], 61, 2-3.

櫻井正二郎 [Sakurai, S.] (2013c). 備品番号簿と台 北帝国大学心理学研究室に存在した実験機器 [The experimental equipment that existed in Taihoku Imperial University, found from the Psychology Laboratory Equipment Number book]. 心理学ワール ド [Psychology World], 62, 2-3.

櫻井正二郎 [Sakurai, S.] (2013d). 1945年以降の台湾 における,古典実験心理学機器の運命 [The fate of classical instruments of experimental psychology in Taiwan since 1945]. 心理学ワールド [Psychology World], 63, 2-3.


汪曼穎、櫻井正二郎、黃榮村[Wang, M., Sakurai, S., & Huang, J.] (2018). 臺灣認知實驗心理學發展選論:臺大心理系為框架[The Development of Cognitive Experimental Psychology in Taiwan: Under The Department of Psychology of National Taiwan University] 發表於「中華心理學刊六十週年學術研討會」[paper presented in “Academic Symposium on the 60th Anniversary of Chinese Journal of Psychology”]

謝怡萱、櫻井正二郎[Shie, Y., & Sakurai, S.] (2015). 心理學史初步綜觀─從今論古[A preliminary overview of the history of psychology: From now on] 發表於第54屆臺灣心理學會年會[paper presented in “The 54th Annual Convention of the Taiwanese Psychological Association”]

櫻井正二郎[Sakurai, S.] (2008). 台湾における古典実験心理学機器の歴史と現状[History and present situation of classical experiment psychology apparatus in Taiwan] 日本心理学会第72回大会発表論文集[Proceedings of the 72nd Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association] DOI: https://doi.org/10.4992/pacjpa.72.0_WS025

櫻井正二郎 [Sakurai, S.] (2009a). 台北帝国大学における実験機器使用状況の調査I[The using situation of psychological equipment in Taihoku Imperial University. #1] 日本心理学会第73回大会発表論文集[Proceedings of the 73rd Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association] DOI: https://doi.org/10.4992/pacjpa.73.0_1PM001

櫻井正二郎 [Sakurai, S.] (2011) 現存の機器より推測される台北帝国大学心理学教室の様子 [Taihoku Imperial University psychology classroom presumed from existing equipment] 「心理学の古典的実験機器に関するデータベース作成とその活用」第3回会議 [paper presented in the 3rd meeting of project “Creating a database on classical experimental equipment of psychology and its application”]

櫻井正二郎 [Sakurai, S.] (2012). 古典実験心理学機器の展示と活用:台湾での現状と展望 [The presentation and using of classical experimental psychological equipment: The current and feature situation in Taiwan.] 日本心理学会第76回大会発表論文集[Proceedings of the 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association] Retrieved from https://psych.or.jp/meeting/proceedings/76/contents/pdf/1EVA11.pdf

櫻井正二郎 [Sakurai, S.] (2103e). 古典実験心理学機器の展示と活用:台湾での現状と展望 (其二) [The presentation and using of classical experimental psychological equipment: The current and feature situation in Taiwan. #2] 日本心理学会第77回大会発表論文集

[Proceedings of the 77th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association]
櫻井正二郎 [Sakurai, S.] (2014a). 戦前戦後台湾の心理学の継続:先住民への心理テストから [The continuity of Psychology in Taiwan before and after World War Ⅱ. From the perspective of psychological test results in the indigenous people.] 日本心理学会第78回大会発表論文集[Proceedings of the 78th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association] Retrieved from http://www.myschedule.jp/jpa2014/tex_output/source/jpa2014_poster/90264.pdf

櫻井正二郎 [Sakurai, S.] (2014b). 本土心理史之研究與教育啟動提議. [Indigenous psychological history research and education initiation proposal.] 發表於第53屆臺灣心理學會年會[paper presented in “The 53rd Annual Convention of the Taiwanese Psychological Association”]

櫻井正二郎 [Sakurai, S.] (2015). 由現存儀器來看臺北帝國大學心理學講座的歷史定位 [Historical Positioning of Psychology Laboratory at Taihoku Imperial University from Existing Instruments.] 發表於第54屆臺灣心理學會年會[paper presented in “The 54th Annual Convention of the Taiwanese Psychological Association”]

櫻井正二郎 [Sakurai, S.] (2016). 台灣心理學史教育的可能. [The possibility of education in the history of psychology in Taiwan. ] 發表於第55屆臺灣心理學會年會[paper presented in “The 55th Annual Convention of the Taiwanese Psychological Association”]

櫻井正二郎 [Sakurai, S.] (2017a). 鄭発育教授の足跡 その 1 日本心理学と台湾心理学の架け橋として [The personal history for Professor Fa-Yu Cheng I.] 日本心理学会第81回大会発表論文集[Proceedings of the 81st Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association] Retrieved from https://www.myschedule.jp/jpa2017/img/figure/10488.pdf

櫻井正二郎 [Sakurai, S.] (2017b). 鄭發育教授的足蹟 I 做為日臺心理學的橋梁. [The footprint of professor Fa-Yu Cheng I : As a bridge between Japanese and Taiwanese psychology.] 發表於第56屆臺灣心理學會年會[paper presented in “The 56th Annual Convention of the Taiwanese Psychological Association”]

櫻井正二郎 [Sakurai, S.] (2018a). 鄭発育教授の足跡 その2 時代考証より推測されること [The personal history for Professor Fa-Yu Cheng II.] 日本心理学会第82回大会発表論文集[Proceedings of the 82nd Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association] Retrieved from https://www.micenavi.jp/jpa2018/img/figure/10537.pdf

櫻井正二郎 [Sakurai, S.] (2018b). 鄭發育教授之足蹟 II 由時代背景推測其學術歷程. [The footprint of professor Fa-Yu Cheng II : Estimated its academic history from the background of the era.] 發表於第57屆臺灣心理學會年會[paper presented in “The 57th Annual Convention of the Taiwanese Psychological Association”]

櫻井正二郎、張幸真 [Sakurai, S. & Chang, H.-C.] (2010a). 台北帝国大学における実験機器使用状況の調査II. [The using situation of psychological equipments in Taihoku Imperial University #II.]日本心理学会第74回大会発表論文集[Proceedings of the 74th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association] Retrieved from https://psych.or.jp/meeting/proceedings/74/contents/poster/pdf/2AM147.pdf

櫻井正二郎、張幸真 [Sakurai, S. & Chang, H.-C.] (2010b). 由儀器為核心研究古典儀器相關人、事、物及歷史. [ Research on classical instruments related people, things, things and history by instrument.] 發表於第49屆臺灣心理學會年會[paper presented in “The 49th Annual Convention of the Taiwanese Psychological Association”]

櫻井正二郎、張幸真 [Sakurai, S. & Chang, H.-C.] (2011). 台北帝国大学心理学教室研究の実情: 機器使用痕跡より. [Possible Experiments executed in the Taihoku Imperial University Laboratory of Psychology : From the trace of equipment.] 日本心理学会第75回大会発表論文集[Proceedings of the 75th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association] Retrieved from https://psych.or.jp/meeting/proceedings/75/contens/poster/pdf/2AM006.pdf
Sakurai, S. (2016). Classical experimental apparatus of psychology in Taiwan. Paper presented in “The 31st International Congress of Psychology. Retrieved from http://www.myschedule.jp/icp2016/search/detail_program/id:6317

星期四, 11月 17, 2022

所謂office Hours

在各大學,可能由國外傳進來的一個習俗就是教師要公告所謂的Office Hours給同學知道。我相信,這與現今的大學老師很忙碌,加上都身兼數職有關。若不定一個時間,同學們很難找到老師。

星期日, 4月 03, 2022
